is the great new way to visibly promote your brand, company, event, team or organisation. This unique product reaches your customers in an innovative way and gets you noticed as they use it on everyday items. It clips straight on to the end of practically any zip and can even replace the puller on broken zips. It can actually clip directly on to that annoying little stub left behind when the metal puller breaks off, so you don’t need to go to the expense or bother of replacing the zip.
will delight adults and kids alike in the many ways they can use them.
looks fantastic on rucksacks, sports bags, jackets, schoolbags, briefcases, suitcases, handbags, computer bags, camera bags, pencil cases, make-up bags, tents and virtually anything with a zip.
- Is affordable
- Is durable
- Is a useful accessory
- Is practical
- Can be custom made
- Offers a unique design
- Is an innovative promotional gift
Whatever you've got with a zip on it; show it off with your own personalised 
Thanks to this simple but inspired invention I can now replace the broken tabs on the zips of my fleece coat, my suitcase, my handbag and my dog's duvet cover which I was going to throw away - and show support for my favourite dog breed at the same time. It has saved me £s
F. Sargeant